My Personal Management Framework 1.0 :
GOT A DR.πŸ‘¨πŸΌβ€βš•οΈ



At the heart of my management framework, GOT A DR., is a focus on continuous growth.

The "G" in GOT A DR. represents the prioritization of growth for each team member, ensuring their personal and professional development is a top priority. This includes setting and communicating a clear design vision and goals for the team to work towards.

  • Understanding team dynamics

    To foster the growth of teammates, the first crucial step is to understand and communicate each member's strengths and needs effectively.

  • Internal critique and feedback
    Often, experiencing pain is integral to the growth process. Internal critique, feedback, and pushing oneself or receiving feedback from others are essential for the personal and professional development of team members.

  • We learn from each other, and top talents in the industry
    To foster continuous learning and growth within the design team, we organize regular knowledge-sharing sessions or workshops where team members are encouraged to take turns presenting on topics they excel in or have recently learned about. Additionally, we should enrich these sessions by inviting top talents from the industry to speak or conduct workshops, providing valuable insights and inspiration. Through these initiatives, we create a collaborative environment that promotes the exchange of expertise and cultivates a culture of innovation and excellence.

  • Measuring performance and supporting development
    Measuring team performance with Quarterly OKRs, and supporting and coaching team members in their skills and career development.

  • Removing obstacles to progress
    Remove obstacles that impede the team's progress towards a goal or project. This can involve addressing challenges related to processes, resources, skills, communication, or stakeholder management.



When individuals take ownership of their tasks, they are more likely to actively contribute to the team's success and innovate towards shared goals.

Other than owning projects, teammates should take ownership of tasks aligned with their passions, personalities and strengths, such as iterating the design systems, setting visual design standards, being in charge of design ops, or conducting user interviews.

  • Shared responsibility across the team
    Every team member has a sense of responsibility, regardless of their seniority.

  • Empowered decision-making in individual domains
    Team members should be able to make final decisions in their domain areas, with consideration of all-round feedback and critique from the team.



Transparency in team management refers to the open sharing of information, decisions, updates and processes with all team members.

It is a critical factor in building trust, fostering collaboration, and creating a positive team environment.

  • Frequent and regular updates
    Everyone in the team would know the latest updates from other designers’ project, which might have the impact to each other work

  • Promoting clarity and open communication in team expectations
    I clarify my understanding of team expectations and encourage open lines of communication

  • Ensuring transparency and fairness in team reviews
    Ensuring transparency in process and performance review criteria within my team is pivotal for fostering a fair, equitable, and motivating atmosphere. By applying consistent standards to everyone, I set clear and attainable expectations, which, in turn, motivates my team members to enhance their performance. This approach promotes accountability, facilitates objective feedback, and encourages ongoing personal and professional development.

  • Fostering collaboration and clarity through regular check-ins
    I consistently hold 1:1s, weekly, and quarterly check-ins, valuing constructive feedback. Establishing these regular check-ins between designers and collaborating closely with business, product, and engineering teams ensures that everyone comprehends each other's goals and expectations. This approach fosters clarity and alignment, facilitating progress towards our shared objectives smoothly.



Fostering a culture of autonomy among team members is crucial for building a strong, self-sufficient team.

Empowering individuals to make decisions and take ownership not only promotes accountability and innovation but also enables quick adaptation to changing circumstances. This autonomy cultivates confidence, trust, and collaboration, ultimately driving collective success in navigating challenges and achieving shared goals effectively.



Demonstration serves as a powerful leadership tool, inspiring team members by leading through actions and guiding them toward shared goals.

  • Demonstrating success through examples
    Using myself or other team members as examples to demonstrate success or how things could work, such as through design systems, customer-centric approaches, or usability testing.

  • Leadership facilitating learning
    As a leader, this can be an effective method to facilitate team learning and growth, as well as establish trust.


Recognition and Rewarding

Finally, Recognition and Rewarding celebrates growth, ownership, and achievement:

  • Celebrating team achievements
    The team receives rewards after they have achieved their growth, ownership, and a sense of accomplishment. Celebrating these rewards with the team and throughout the organization creates a greater sense of satisfaction and makes the rewards even more meaningful.

  • Promoting growth and recognition
    We celebrate both individual and team achievements and address areas for improvement through design critiques and performance discussions.


Overall, the framework seeks to build a self-sufficient team that can achieve success by having individual growth and fostering collaboration among team members.