My novel

From lockdown lows to literary highs: My journey to writing a sci-fi novel for nearly 4 years

Oh yes, talk about hitting rock bottom during the covid lockdown in Singapore. Picture this: I was all by myself, wandering through eerily quiet streets and empty malls, feeling like I was in some sort of ghost town. No buddies to hang out with, no community vibes, and to top it all off, my family and friends were oceans away in Hong Kong. But, here comes the silver lining - that tough time nudged me into starting a new hobby, and I decided to channel all that isolation into writing a sci-fi novel.

so, after 4 years, my first sci-fi novel launched!

Syneidesis -


Mysterious spots of living corpses are spreading! And this is not a disease?

Why am I writing a sci-fi fiction for 4 years?

Itโ€™s my destiny.

We've all faced our fair share of challenges, especially in the past few years. Through these experiences, I found inspiration and felt compelled to share it. My hope is that readers can draw some strength and insight from my story on how to navigate through tough times.

How do you keep yourself writing for 4 years? Is it true that you have non-stop writing it?

Yes, like almost.

It's more accurate to say I've been creating rather than just writing. It's been an almost endless process of creation.

I only take Saturdays off to spend time with my loved ones; the rest of the time, I'm dedicated to creating.

This includes brainstorming, outlining, character development and relationships, drafting, feedback, and numerous revisions.

Once I got into the rhythm, I could write 500 to 2000 words a day (working during the day and writing at night), and on weekends, I could write up to 3000 to 5000 words a day.

Where did the inspiration for your story come from?

The inspiration came from the dramatic changes in my surroundings and my own fears and anxieties, which I transformed into an intriguing story through imagination.

Some ideas were drawn from real events I've heard about, including some scary incidents that naturally found their way into the novel.

For the technological aspects, I incorporated some inspirations from "Black Mirror" and developed my own worldview.

Of course, there's also the recent widespread development of AI. I wrote about my personal predictions for AI's future, presenting a different kind of fear than what we currently anticipate.

Is "Syneidesis" a heavy read? What feelings does it aim to evoke?

Not really heavy, haha (but I might be lying).

Surprise, wild imagination, horror, excitementโ€”these are the feelings I aim for.

It's full of crazy fantasies and is a highly entertaining novel. I can confidently say that the story's tension is gripping from the start, and the world-building is very well done.

I've seen a lot of AI-generated images in your work. What's the story behind them?

Yes, that's right. I spent quite some time researching how to produce high-quality, movie-like images and how to create consistent character designs. I put in a lot of effort to offer readers an additional way to experience the story.

As a result, "Syneidesis" also has a visual novel version.

What's the ultimate goal of writing "Syneidesis"?

To use storytelling to help people live better lives.

It's a reminder for myself on how to face adversity (even today, I sometimes recall lines from the story to encourage myself).

And, well, to turn it into a sci-fi movie. That became my goal along the way.

A movie? You're joking, right? This is a long sci-fi novel...

Nothing is impossible. First, you need to think big, then work backward, setting every small milestone along the way, one step at a time.

Think big, start small.

I learned this from product design, and it applies to most things in life.

A novel is just another product.

Where can I read the novel?

Right now, it's available on a few e-book platforms. Sorry, it's only in traditional Chinese for now, but simplified Chinese and English versions are definitely on the roadmap, so stay tuned, everyone.

Here are the links to read the novel and show your support:

โ˜ž Google Play Book Store (iOS supported)

โ˜ž Kobo

โ˜ž Pubu

Image-version novel:

โ˜ž Patreon